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Cybersecurity for Managers

Early retirement. The highlight of a successful career or a euphemism when making a quick exit after a cybersecurity breach. Recent events demonstrate that governments and businesses of all sizes are vulnerable to attack from diverse adversaries. Intellectual property stolen, customers’ privacy violated and operations disrupted. Incidents drive up costs, reduce sales, impact innovation and inflict considerable reputational damage.

Legal and compliance regimes attempted to protect organizational and client assets.  Now however, cyber risk management is part of day-to-day operations. Security is everyone's responsibility from the board to every temp and intern. Have you taken sufficient measures to prevent an attack or recover from one in a timely manner? What should you have done? Evaluate before it’s too late. 

No class, product or security framework can ensure you will never suffer the effects of a cyber breach. You can, however,  improve your oversight.This two-day seminar will help you ask the right questions. It is intended for management from CEO to line managers, anyone responsible for ensuring that all reasonable steps are taken to withstand, blunt and recover from any cyber incident. You will become familiar with national recommended standards such as the NIST Cybersecurity Framework and the Lockheed Cyber Kill Chain, the Zero Trust Model and how they may apply to your situation. You will leave with task list and questions whose answers will either prioritize further efforts or raise your confidence in your firm’s preparedness.


Program level is intermediate. Understanding of the internet and basic technology concepts required.  16 CPE credits.

Click here for the agenda.

Please contact us for the next classes open to the public or for private booking.

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